Maximizing Speed through Relative Force Production: The Bio-Dynamic Athletics Approach

Relative force production is a critical factor in an athlete's ability to develop speed. At Bio-Dynamic Athletics this concept is fundamental and is a training methodology that emphasizes optimizing the body's biomechanics for athletic performance, As a strength and conditioning coach I’ve had the opportunity to help numerous athletes improve their speed using this approach.

Relative force production refers to the amount of force an athlete can generate relative to their body weight. This is an essential aspect of speed training because it allows athletes to generate more force with every stride or jump, resulting in greater speed and power. In other words, an athlete who can generate more force relative to their body weight will be able to move faster than an athlete who cannot.

One way that relative force production can be improved is through strength training. By increasing an athlete's overall strength, they will be able to generate more force with each movement, which will translate into greater speed on the field or court. However, it is not just about building raw strength; it is also important to develop functional strength that can be applied to specific athletic movements.

Another key component of improving relative force production is developing explosive power. This involves training the body to generate force quickly and efficiently, which is critical for sports that require sudden bursts of speed or power. Plyometric exercises, such as jumping and bounding drills, can be effective for developing explosive power and improving relative force production.

At Bio-Dynamic Athletics, there is also a focus on optimizing an athlete's biomechanics to improve relative force production. This involves identifying any imbalances or weaknesses in an athlete's body and addressing them through targeted training. For example, if an athlete has weak glutes, they may struggle to generate power from their hips, which could limit their speed. By identifying and addressing these issues, athletes can improve their biomechanics and maximize their potential for relative force production.

So you can see how relative force production is a critical factor in an athlete's ability to develop speed, and it can be improved through strength training, explosive power training, and optimizing biomechanics. Here at Bio-Dynamic Athletics wew can help athletes improve their relative force production and overall athletic performance. DM us to get started or visit us at


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